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Liège, 31 Mars 2024 – Comunicare Solutions ranked 2nd high-growth small companies of the province of Liège in 2024 by Trends-Tendance.



Based on a quantitative analysis by Trends Top, 3 categories of companies are distinguished:

  • small companies » (added value of less than 1 million euros),
  • medium-sized companies » (added value between 1 and 5 million euros) and
  •  large companies » (added value over 5 million euros).

Next, their balance sheets over the last 5 years are evaluated on the basis of 3 criteria, and a ranking is established according to their growth (in absolute and percentage terms):

  • Growth in added value
  • Staff growth
  • Growth in cash flow

Finally, the company must have created 10 jobs since its creation.